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 Born:19.03.1975     Photo: Liv Øvland

I work mainly with textile objects and installations. My artwork is concerned with human situations and often reflects or depicts clothing, either in form, materials, or both. Clothes, being intimately related to the body, are directly connected to mankind and therefore a natural conduit for human stories. I employ clothing and textiles as a means of communication, freed from their basic function as body coverings.

The textiles we wear form a boundary between the individual and the outside world. Clothes are « the meeting point between the private and the public », writes Entwistle in the book The Dressed Body. Despite the thin, fragile properties of textiles, they constitute a considerable boundary and protection, while communicating information about the individual and how he or she interacts with society. My object is to reveal the person under the clothing, the individual’s mental or emotional state.

The materials I choose are used – second hand – and often my own clothes. In order to make explicit the personal and private, I choose textiles that have visible traces of people – wear and tear, holes and stains. I want the individual to seep through the textiles so that something human can emerge from these bodiless clothing objects.

2006-2009       Oslo National Academy of the Arts, BA
2004-2006       University of Oslo, Study of Esthetics   
1997-2000       DTK Art School, Bærum

Solo exhibitions/projects:

2024  «Demonstrate Your Worthiness»   Sandefjord Kunstforening, NORWAY
2022   «Sew up»                                Bluerider Art Gallery  Taipei, TAIWAN
2020   «Overcover – Undercover»      The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands, Torshavn, FAROE ISLANDS
2019   Anniversary exhibitor, Buskerud,  Østlandsutstillingen (annual exhibition of the eastern region) 40 years anniversary  Kongsberg Kunstforening, NORWAY
2018  «Jeg kler meg/ergo er jeg?» Group show  +   solo show going on tour      Kunstvisitten,   Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm, NORWAY
2017  «Uncontaminated 2017»   Art and Fashion Festival, Mellomstasjonen/The National Museum,Oslo, NORWAY
2016  «Constraint where placed on the circulation of clothing»     Oppland Kunstsenter, Lillehammer, NORWAY
2016  «Inside – Extra»                  Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, NORWAY
2016  «Surgo»                              Kunstparken, Risør, NORWAY
2015  «Close(d)»                         Bærum Kunsthall, projectroom, Fornebu, NORWAY
2015  «Modify»                            Kongsberg Kunstforening, NORWAY
2015  «Needless»                        Trafo Kunsthall, projectroom, Asker, NORWAY
2015  «Procrustesbed»                Det Gule Huset, Nesbru, NORWAY
2014  «Caught in the web»          Ram Galleri, Oslo, NORWAY

2014                                            Kunstløa, Nome county, NORWAY
2013 «Uncustomized»                  Kunstmuseet Nord Trøndelag,  NORWAY
2012 «Living in a box»    display cases in the city Sandvika,    Bærum,  NORWAY
2011                            display cases at Oslo Bussterminal,     Oslo,  NORWAY

2011 «You are never fully dressed without a smile»  Galleri Blakstad, Asker,  NORWAY

Exhibitions (selected):

2024 Høstutstillingen, Statens 137. kunstutstilling,  Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo NORWAY
2024 «Forsamling»,  KÅL-festival, curator: Erlenf Helling Larsen,  Lund Bedehus, Kristiansand, NORWAY
2023 «Quartet» group exhibition with Caro Jost, Phillip Donald, Benat Olaberria  Bluerider Art Gallery  Shanghai, China
2023 «NOCOMMENT»   Curator: David Cooper  OHSH Project, London, UK
2023 «Genesis»  Collaboration,  Bluerider Art & HTC.    HTC Gallery, Taipei, TAIWAN
2023 «Wild Grass»    Bluerider Art Gallery, Taipei, TAIWAN
2022  «Sørlandsutstillingen 2022»      Galleri Bølgen Larvik,    Det Lindtvedske Hus Arendal,     Ibsenhuset Skien     NORWAY
2021/22  «6th Textile art of today»    triennale         invited by director Andrej Augustin               SLOVAK REPUBLIC, CZECH REPUBLIC, HUNGARY & POLAND
2021 «Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends»   curator : Tijs Visser    8th Socle du Monde Biennale     Herning, DENMARK.
2021 «What is the future without the past»  Collective Oslo  festival,   Vigeland Park, Oslo, NORWAY
2021 «Stipendiatutstilling»                   Risør Kunstpark. NORWAY
2020  Royal Society of Sculptors «Summer Exhibition»     curators: Robert & Nicky Wilson      Dora House, London, UK
2020  «Stipendutstilling 2020»      Buskerud Kunstsenter  Drammen, NORWAY
2019  «Make sense together»       Vega Scene, Oslo, NORWAY
2019  «Novemberutstillingen 2019»  Lychepavliongen, Drammens Museum, NORWAY
2017 «Telemarksutstillingen»         Ibsenhuset Skien & Kragerø, NORWAY
2017 «Sommerutstilling 2017»       Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, NORWAY
2017 «Stipendutstilling 2017»        Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, NORWAY
2016 «Novemberutstillingen 2016»  Lychepavliongen, Drammens Museum, NORWAY 
2015 «Novemberutstillingen 2015»   Lychepavliongen, Drammens Museum, NORWAY
2015 «Stipendutstilling 2015»      Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen, NORWAY
2014 «Det potensielle rommet»     Dikemark sykehus, Asker, NORWAY
2014 «Nide Veze»    Centar za culture,   Mostar, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
2014 «The wearable artshow»     by Kreuzberg Pavillon from Berlin at KNIPSU, Bergen, NORWAY
2014 «In a lonely place»    KUBE art museum,   Ålesund, NORWAY
2014 «Østlandsutstillingen»   (annual exhibition of the eastern region)  Kunstbanken Hamar, Buskerud kunstsenter, NORWAY
2014 «NOoSPHERE Arts’3rd Anniversary Show & Benefit Auction,    NOoSPHERE Arts, New York, USA

2013 «Craft 2013»     The National Museum of art, architecture and design, Oslo,  NORWAY
2013 «The Spring Exhibition 2013»      Kunsthal Charlottenborg,  Copenhagen, DENMARK
2013 «Novemberutstillingen 2013»      Lychepavliongen,  Drammens Museum,   NORWAY
2013 «Ytre rom og andre rom»     Bærum Kunstforening,   Sandvika, NORWAY
2013  Huntenkunst 13      Ulft, THE NETHERLANDS
2013 «A house full of friends»    NOoSPHERE Arts,  New York, USA

2012 «Novemberutstillingen 2012»     Lychepavliongen, Drammens Museum,   NORWAY
2012 «There is a place, there is a house, there is a room»     DTK project gallery, Bekkestua,  NORWAY
2012 «International juried show»        Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo, NORWAY &  NOoSPHERE Arts, New York,  USA
2012 «Lost Garden 2012», BKiB collaboration with HOK,      Henie-Onstad Art centre, Høvik,  NORWAY

2011 «The Norwegian sculpure biennal 2011»      Vigeland-museet, Oslo,  NORWAY
2011 «Craft 2011»    The National Museum of art, architecture and design, Oslo,  NORWAY
2011 «Novemberutstillingen 2011»      Lychepavliongen, Drammens Museum,  NORWAY

2010 «Essens 2010 NKs – theme exhibition»     Kunstbanken, Hamar &  KUBE art museum, Ålesund,  NORWAY   
2010 «Østlandsutstillingen»    (annual exhibition of the eastern region) Østfold Kunstsenter, Fredrikstad & Peder Balke senter,  Øvre Toten,  NORWAY

2007 «Paperwork»     DTK project gallery, Høvik,  NORWAY   

2006  « hjerte for husflid»    husfliden 115 år, Oslo Town Hall gallery,  NORWAY        
2006  «jubileumsutstilling»   (anniversary exhibition)  Tegnerforbundet( The Drawing Center of Norway), Oslo,  NORWAY

2023         Regional project fonds, KIN
2021         Stikk -Norwegian Crafts/ UDs   travel grant
2021          Art Councils diverse grant  
2020          «Stipendutstilling 2020»  Buskerud Kunstsenter  Grant sponsored by The Relief Found for Visual Artists
2018          Government Grants, 10 years work grant for established Artists
2018          Art Councils Projectgrant
2017         «Stipendutstilling 2017»  Buskerud Kunstsenter   Grant sponsored by The Relief Found for Visual Artists
2016         Art Councils diverse grant,  The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists
2015         Art Councils exhibition grant
2015         «Stipendutstilling 2015»  Buskerud Kunstsenter   Grant sponsored by The Relief Found for Visual Artists 
2015         1 year specializationgrant, Norwegian Association for Applied Art
2014         Risør county art grant 
2014         Travelgrant,        Norwegian Association for Applied Art
2014         Art Councils diverse grant  
2013         Office for Contemporary Art,    International Support
2013         Kanalstipendet, Nome county
2012         Travelgrant, New York          International juried show, Galleri Ramfjord
2012         award – most significant piece at Novemberutstillingen 2012,Drammens Museum
2011-13    Government grants for young/newly establ. artists , Norway, 3 years (NK)
Public collections:
Buskerud Kunstsenter – the work was given to Kongsberg Municipality and are now part of the permanent collection shown at the city library
Den Norske Husflidforening
Other art related work:
2022 curator,  «3 Dimensjoner» Exhibition for members of BKiB, Bærum Kunsthall
2019 Artist talk, anniversary artist, Østlandsutstillingen, directed by Buskerud Bildende Kunstnere, Kongsberg Kunstforening
2019 Presentation of Østlandsutstillingen, visit by Kongsberg Norsksenter at Kongsberg Kunstforening
2018 Presentation of my project «…til i dag» directed by «Kunstvissitten», Akershus Kunstsenter, visiting institutions in Akershus county throughout the year 
2018 Presentation of my work at the two seminars: » Art in Psychiatry» & «Art on prescription», direkted by «Kunstvisitten, Akershus Kunstsenter.
2018 Artist talk at Drammens Museum directed by Kunst Rett Vest
2016 Artist talk «Materials», seminar on crafts – the development in Agder. Kristiansand
2016 Presentation of the exhibition «SURGO» at  «Kulturnatt», Risør
2015 Artist talk, Bærum Kunsthall
2022 Jurymember Norvegian Art Associations Høstutstillingens debutant price 
2021-22 head of jury Novemberutstillingen
2021-23 Jurymember Kunst Rett Vest
2021 deputy member of the National Jury, Norwegian Association for Applied Art
2020-2023 member of the supervisory board of Buskerud Art Centre
2018-2022 Board member Kongsberg Art Association
2016-2023 member of the exhibition committee Kongsberg Art Association (Leader 2018-2020)
2018- 2024 deputy board member og Buskerud Artist Association
2017 member of the nomination committee, Art Councils exhibition grants, Buskerud
2014-2018 deputy board member of Østlandsutstillingen  
2016 Jury member,  Risør county art grant  
2014 Board member, Asker Art Association
2013 deputy board member, Asker Art Association
2012 Jury member, Romeriksutstillingen
Royal Society of Sculptors UK, NK (Norwegian Association for Applied Art), NBK (The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists), Norwegian textile Artists, BBK (Buskerud Artist Association) 
Interview: Artemorbida 2022
Interview: Culture Trip 2018
Interview: Scandinavia Standard, 2017, DK

Presented in the book «Textileart around the world», Publisher: Ellen Bakker, Textile-link    2014, NL

Work presented in «Aesthetica – The art and culture magazine»,    June, 2014, UK